Safety Panic Button

2 April 2024

In response to the withdrawal of the EMIS Panic Button, we want to direct you to similar functionality available via babblevoice. It allows healthcare professionals to discreetly alert other members of the team via their telephone that there is a safety issue regarding either their own personal safety or the safety of a patient.

                a laptop showing the babblevoice logo

What's in it for me?

This enhancement provides peace of mind for practice teams that they can quickly and discreetly alert other members of the team who are in the practice, but outside of their room that they need assistance.

How do I get it?

The babblevoice panic button is available now to all customers. This can be set up using the ‘tannoy’ feature in babblevoice. The practice team can designate a group of handsets that will automatically switch to speaker mode when the panic button is pressed on another phone in the practice. These phones will then broadcast the emergency message to let them know who requires assistance.

You can find instructions for setting up a tannoy in our documentation. Get in touch with our heldesk for support with setting up this service.

Please contact us with queries or if you require assistance with any of our new product upgrades.

The perfect prescription?

If your practice staff is presenting with high phone costs, functionality that doesn't add value, and unhelpful onerous contracts, then get in touch. We can talk through your requirements and arrange a demonstration.

Book a demo